Manage PHP and Valet from the macOS Status Bar – Laravel News

PHP Monitor is A Lightweight-weight macOS menubar app for managing PHP and Valet providers. It assists you handle a quantity of PHP circumstances, change between PHP variations, discover config information, And provides you useful Particulars about your setup:

As You will Have The power to see Inside the screenshot, it surfaces completely different useful PHP information from the…….


PHP Monitor is A Lightweight-weight macOS menubar app for managing PHP and Valet providers. It assists you handle a quantity of PHP circumstances, change between PHP variations, discover config information, And provides you useful Particulars about your setup:

As You will Have The power to see Inside the screenshot, it surfaces completely different useful PHP information from the php.ini file like reminiscence restrict, max submit measurement, and max add measurement. Do You’d like to should restart all brew providers To vary PHP variations and restart Valet, this app Might assist with an simply-accessible GUI.

You can set up this app using macOS Homebrew:

1brew faucet nicoverbruggen/homebrew-cask

2brew set up --cask phpmon

You can study extra about this app, get full set upation instructions, And think about the supply code on GitHub. PHP Monitor is written in Swift and Is An excellent event if You’ve by no means seemed into creating macOS apps using the menu bar. If You uncover PHP Monitor useful, think about starring the enterprise and donating.
