PHP Pipe Operator Package – Laravel News

PHP Pipe Operator is a package by Sebastiaan Luca that provides a userland implementation of the pipe operator in PHP. A recent RFC proposed this feature for PHP 8.1 but is declined with a majority “no” vote.

This package aims to bridge the lack of native pipe operator by taking a value and performing one or more actions on it:

1$subdomain = Pipe::from(‘https://blog.sebastiaanluc…….


PHP Pipe Operator is a package by Sebastiaan Luca that provides a userland implementation of the pipe operator in PHP. A recent RFC proposed this feature for PHP 8.1 but is declined with a majority “no” vote.

This package aims to bridge the lack of native pipe operator by taking a value and performing one or more actions on it:

1$subdomain = Pipe::from('')

2 ->parse_url()

3 ->end()

4 ->explode('.', PIPED_VALUE)

5 ->reset()

6 ->get();


8// "blog"

Under the hood, the Pipe class will call the native PHP methods such as parse_url(), end(), etc., however, using method chaining helps the readability of code and is potentially less error-prone than a one-liner or procedural code like the following:

1$subdomain = '';

2$subdomain = parse_url($subdomain, PHP_URL_HOST);

3$subdomain = explode('.', $subdomain);

4$subdomain = reset($subdomain);

When you need more flexibility, this package also supports custom closures and the use of class methods:

1// Closure


3 ->pipe(fn(string $value): string => 'prefixed-' . $value)

4 ->get();


6// Class-based methods


8 ->pipe([$this, 'lowercase'])

9 ->get();

You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. The author also wrote about this package on his blog: Enabling PHP method chaining with a makeshift pipe operator.
